Durham Images Site

This web site contains public and private sections. A User ID and password are required to access the private areas.

Email: webmaster@durham-images.org     Home: http://www.durham-images.org


Welcome to the Durham Images Web Site.

Feel free to have a look around. If you have any queries, comments, or concerns, please contact the Web Master via the e-mail address above.

Images are in JPEG, PDF or FlippingBook format. Links to JPEG and PDF images are coloured blue, FlippingBook are green. If you are using a laptop with an HDMI port, and have an HD TV, you will find the appearance of all images to be significantly enhanced.

For JPEG images, where a gallery of thumbnail images is offered, clicking on an image will result in an enlargement being displayed. The menu at the top right of this image can be used to navigate back and forth through the gallery, or to open more than one image at a time, and keep them on your desktop. You can enlarge an image to it's full size, or just sit back and view the gallery as a slide show.

Where images are in PDF format, Adobe Reader, or similar, will be needed to view. They can be zoomed in on, and panned around using the scroll bars, to give the level of detail required. For images such as grave space maps, it will be found to be useful to rotate an image to be able to read the details given in the individual grave spaces.

FlippingBook format has been implemented for books and collections of maps. Pages are downloaded on request, which provides a significant improvement in response times. Thumbnail images can be displayed for each page, to simplify page selection. Zooming is available for each page, as is panning, by dragging using the mouse. Full screen display support is offered, and for some items, such as Electoral Registers, a text search facility is available, with a list of hits offered for page selection.